ISIS Is Selling Cheap Oil…and Why That Should Matter to YOU!

There is a lot of speculation going on that ISIS may be the beast foretold in Revelation – and there is indeed a lot of evidence building up.

If so, then it would mean the Lamb of God has probably already broken the first seal.

I read today that Russia, Syria, and Iran are teaming up in a serious way to fight ISIS and destroy it:

But how and why would “evil” governments like these go to so much trouble to destroy another evil government? They are certainly NOT coming together for the good of the world or to protect the lives of innocent Christians.

Well, just a little thought reminds that the economies of Russia & Iran are completely dependent on the price of oil. If oil is sold too cheaply, these governments start to get very, very weak. On the other hand, cheap oil makes the United States, Europe, and China very rich!

In Revelation 17, the image of the harlot riding the beast possibly predicts an unfaithful western civilization literally “riding” on the oil of ISIS. If ISIS is indeed the beast of Revelation, then I have been predicting for a while that ISIS would begin selling oil very cheaply in order to get western civilization to “back off.”

This is indeed happening!

This is why Russia, Syria, and Iran (and also Iraq) are desperate to stop them! ISIS has the ability to cripple those very countries and defeat them just by selling cheap oil. It is a very strategic move.

If ISIS does defeat Russia and Iran this way and then conquers Baghdad, then you can see why people would say ‘who can stand up to the power of the beast?’ (Revelation 13)

It would also explain how the harlot is drunk on the blood of the saints.

If western countries look the other way while ISIS massacres Christians BECAUSE the west is getting rich off cheap oil…the image of the harlot is explained.

Of course, the end of Revelation 17 is that the beast eventually turns and devours the beast.

So, what are we to do? Revelation 18 says:

And I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.’

About zackmason

Zack Mason believes the purpose of life is to glorify God. Zack is also the author of Killing Halfbreed and the ChronoShift trilogy, as well as numerous articles on a variety of subjects. His latest book, the Gospel According to Nature, was released in January 2014.
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