What Did God Encode in WATER? (Part 1)

 “…and the Spirit of God fluttering on the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2, Young’s Literal Translation)

Many would agree that water is a symbol for life.

Life, however, is a tricky thing to define. A quick search of the dictionary reminds us of its many different definitions and uses, such as: “You only get one life,” “Life is funny,” “She’s my life,” and “Life on Earth is biologically diverse,” etc.

We will define life as being that active, energetic, transforming force of God at work in the world.

       Before God ever said “Let there be light,” Genesis 1:2 says the Spirit of God “fluttered” over the waters. The Hebrew word translated in English as flutter means to “set in motion” or “to vibrate.” The idea presented in Genesis 1:2 seems to be that before anything else, the Spirit of God set matter (the waters) into motion, maybe even starting the flow of electrons that makes life possible.

A shorter way of saying water symbolizes the active, energetic, transforming force of God at work in the world is to say it symbolizes God’s power. Stepping back, we can see this interpretation for water makes much more sense.

Take Noah’s flood, for example. If water is just a symbol for life, then how do we understand the symbolism of that global catastrophe? Did God drown the world through a flood of life?

Instead, if we translate water as a symbol for God’s power, then all of God’s uses of water in nature make much more sense. When God’s power flows in great torrents, it is in judgment like a flood, but when He applies His power gently like a summer rain to cracked soil, it produces life.

Understanding this, the interpretation of floods becomes a lot easier. It explains why water was the method of judgment in the days of Noah.

God destroyed the world through an immense release of His power (Great Flood).

This also adds depth to the symbolism of baptism. We’ve always understood baptism as being symbolic of being buried with Christ and resurrected into Life as a new creation. Through this deeper under-standing of the symbolism of water, we could say that baptism was more specifically symbolic of being buried into God’s power, which is the same power that regenerates the new man into life in Christ.

This giving of life should not be confused with God’s Spirit, His breathing of spirit into man. The spirit, or breath, that God breathed into Adam was distinct from the “life” that transformed Adam’s body from inanimate matter into animate flesh. Animals are alive, bacteria are alive, but God does not breathe spirit into them as He did man and woman.

All biological life on earth needs water to live, and it needs it regularly.

Even the most desert-adept creatures must have water or they perish. When searching out the possibility of life existing somewhere else in the universe, water is the very first item scientists look for on a potential planet. No matter how creative Sci-Fi writers want to be, there’s never been a scientifically observed organism that did not require water to exist. Where there’s no water, there can be no life.

Jesus Himself alluded to water being symbolically tied to life. “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14)

Man is very keenly aware of his desperate need for, and dependence on, water. Within mere hours of being denied it, a person can become desperately thirsty. Go without it for two to three days, and you die.

This means that we cannot go very long without being exposed to God’s power, the Life that He gives, before we die spiritually.

Water refreshes us.

Close your eyes.

Imagine turning up a glass filled with clinking ice and taking a deep drink of the cold water inside. Can you feel the cool liquid filling your mouth, trickling down your parched throat? There is nothing more refreshing than that sensation, especially after a long, hot, dry day.

True Life in God is like that refreshing glass of water. So many of us are bored stiff with our daily routines. The ennui drives us to seek thrills and new experiences in an attempt to fill our lives with something exciting and interesting. We believe “life” lies within such things. Yet, they give us nothing of the sort.

The latest TV shows, movies, parties, clothing styles, cars, elec-tronics, sky diving, base jumping, sex, pornography, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, name your thing here, none of it satisfies, none of it leaves us refreshed for any extended period of time after the exper-ience. In fact, all of these things are like eating spoonfuls of sugar, not water. You get an immediate “rush,” a stimulating excitement that is clearly distinct from the previous boredom, yet, you quickly crash thereafter. “Sugars” like the items in the list above may have a fasci-nating taste, but when the sugar rush has left, you lie there on the couch feeling less healthy than before you ate.

A cool glass of water is very different from sugar. The opposite in fact. Those who aren’t used to drinking water never desire it. It sounds like a boring, tasteless idea. Why drink water when there’s Cokes and Sprites and Gatorade and Sweet Tea and every other kind of sugary drink you can imagine to titillate the taste buds?

However, those who are accustomed to drinking pure water cannot do without those simple, cool glasses. There’s nothing like it. While drinking water doesn’t send you on some sugary rush, it doesn’t take but a couple of glasses before you feel cleaner, more healthy, like your body has been cleansed and weighs just a little bit less. Nothing refreshes like a glass of water.

The Life that God offers, True Life, is like that. To outsiders, those who’ve never experienced Him before, His ways sound boring, taste-less, and bland.

Yet, those of us who have partaken know differently. We know the Life that refreshes, the Life that leaves us electrified, with a sense of well-being and spiritual healthiness. It truly is an abundant spring of “water” that takes away your thirst for that something you’ve always felt was missing. It’s not some sugary drink. It’s True Life.

Water is a cleanser.

Water washes and purifies like few other cleaning agents. Bleach damages and even chemically alters objects through its cleansing. Water lifts dirt off an article, leaving behind the original, often times as good as new.

God’s power cleanses us. Sin is a powerful stain, and it requires something of power to remove it. Only God’s power is sufficient.

Water is a solvent.

It’s actually often referred to as the universal solvent. This means that just about everything, solid, liquid, and gas, will dissolve in water. Some items may take longer than others, but they all eventually break down.

God’s power is just as effective in “breaking things down.” To come in contact with Him is to be humbled by His power. Through His power, He breaks down both physical and spiritual walls and softens up people’s hearts. He dissolves the will of His enemies and disintegrates contaminating impurities.

Symbolism: God created Water to symbolize His Power. 


Lesson: Partake regularly in the Life that God offers to feel clean and healthy.

(Excerpted from The Gospel According to Nature by Zack Mason)

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Christmas Gift for God

Today, I find myself wanting to give God a present for Christmas. But, it seems ridiculous to think I could give Him something when there’s nothing I can give Him of any worth in my own power.

Then, I think of my youngest daughter, Ashley, and how she wants to give me a Christmas present, but has no power to buy one on her own.

For her, I have no problem giving her the money she needs to get me one, and she doesn’t think anything of asking for that power. And the fact that I empowered her to give it does not diminish in any way the value of that present to me because it came from her heart.

So, here are some presents we can give God this Christmas:

  • Obedience
  • Increased Holiness
  • Finding new people for God’s Kingdom
  • Rescuing & Restoring God’s lost sheep
  • Teaching Others how to be closer to Him
  • Worship
  • Forgiving Others
  • And more

However, we don’t have the power to do any of these things on our own! We need to humbly ask Him to give us the power so we can give Him these gifts.

But that will not diminish the value of the present to Him in any way since it came from our heart!

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Prophecy 101: What Do You Want to Know?

Almost everyone is intrigued by prophecy, but very few know much about it.

What are your questions? When it comes to prophecy, most people ask one of the following:

  • Are we in the End Times?
  • What s the end of the world going to be like (How horrible is it going to be?)
  • Who will be the antichrist?
  • When will the Rapture happen?
  • When is Jesus coming back?

Yet, while most are intrigued by these questions, they ironically try to avoid the answers because the topic seems so depressing or dark.

However, God spent a lot of time in the Bible answering these questions for us. Since He cares, we should care! Plus, the answers are often much more hopeful than we realize!

All of the questions above are also very answerable. (Except for # 4, that is.)

We can know what the Rapture is going to be like, just not its exact timing. Jesus said  of the Rapture that “no one knows the day or hour.” (Still, it is possible to know approximately when it will happen in relation to other future events.)

Wouldn’t you like to know what’s coming in the future? Understand the risks to you and your family? What you need to do? And also learn more about God and yourself in the process?

Welcome to Prophecy 101!

In the coming weeks, we will begin answering these questions in detail, all supported by Scripture. We will also debunk some of the most common myths and examine world events to see where we are today, so stay tuned!

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God’s Heart

Ignoring the unusual beauty of the photo below is impossible.

Did God literally carve a heart into the rock to express His love for us, for the world? And the way that heart glows…it captivates our eyes.

Credit: @davekandotcom


The Symbols YOU Should Know

       Boulder = Large Truth

       Land = Kingdom of God

       Water = God’s Power

       Green = Life

       Yellow = Truth

       White = Righteousness

       Trees = Strong Believers

(For a full understanding of why we connect the meanings above to those parts of Nature, read “The Gospel According to Nature” by Zack Mason.)

The small figure of a man sitting at its edge, peering into its depths, highlights just how massive this hole in the rock is and reminds us of our smallness next to Creation.

Yet, beyond its simple beauty, we believe GOD would like to communicate something more. Something deep.

God’s Law: In God’s Creation Code, large rocks symbolize large, immovable truths in the Kingdom of God (land, earth). A Truth, of course, is basically a Law of the Universe, a law that must be followed.

For example, many of us would love to rebel against the truth of the Law of Gravity, but we can’t! Gravity is always there, pulling us down, even if we don’t want to acknowledge it, believe in it, or follow it. The sooner we recognize our powerlessness  and start to work with gravity instead of against it, the better our lives become.

We Are Small: Just as the man in the picture is so small against this huge rock, so are we small against the Laws of God.

Heart-Shaped Hole: The shape of most holes in rocks are not relevant to anything other than adding to God’s artistry. However, this Heart-Shaped hole seems quite special, which is why it was photographed.

Through it, I believe God is showing us that His heart lies within His Law (the rock), and in multiple ways simultaneously. First, just as this man has to go to the rock to get to the pool, so the way to get to God’s heart is through obedience to His Law.

This is echoed in Jesus words when He said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” (John 14:15 NKJV)

Secondly, the Heart of His Law, its purpose, is for our good.

Water Represents Power: God filled this heart-shaped hole with water, a symbol for His Power. This reminds me that not only is the way to God’s Heart through obedience to His Law, but it is also a way to access His Power (the water). The waterfall on the left communicates an active flow of God’s power, not a stagnant pool.

The Bible confirms this in Proverbs 15:29: “The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the  righteous.” (NKJV)

Green is Life: The color of the water adds to the message as well. It could have been blue, or a murky brown, but instead it is a vibrant green, the color of life. So, not only does the Law (the rock) lead to God’s Heart and His Power (water), but to vibrant life (green water), meaning a healthier more abundant life.

Of course, it seems certain the photographer put some kind of artificial light at the bottom of the water to make it glow for effect, but it doesn’t matter for it has served to illuminate the natural color of the water for us in a very beautiful way.

Trees Are Believers: The last thing we should note is the thick gathering of trees surrounding the rock, all of them also very green.

As trees always represent believers rooted in the Kingdom, these here picture believers who have rooted themselves next to God’s Law and His Heart, and they look green and vibrant indeed.

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